Gas Stoves (Natural or Propane) are becoming more and more popular these days. They allow you to create a warm cozy spot to warm yourself quickly in the winter. Homes with central heating systems are great for general overall use but it is hard to beat the warmth created by the radiant heat from a fire. Often in the evenings when you are more sedentary the normal house temperatures can feel cool or even chilly in the winter. The gas stove allows you to warm up the space you are in without having to raise the temperature in the whole home.
Gas stoves are great because they operate by thermostat so you can easily regulate the temperature. There is no ashes to take out, wood to chop/ carry or pellets to haul. With a flip of a switch or thermostat you are off and running.
The gas stoves in the old days with the single round burner tube that burned a blue flame in the middle of the stove with very fake looking logs that were not even remotely convincing are gone. Although the fake logs are here to stay with this type of appliance they are much more realistic. Manufacturers talk with words like “Flame Picture” and “Flame Presentation”. There are also a lot more options with some stoves designed to display stones logs, glass, crystals, etc…
Gas Stoves work nice for large area and small area heating and come in different sizes to fit almost any space. They can be vented out the side walls of your home horizontally or into an existing chimney (thus taking the place of a coal, wood or pellet stove). They can even be set on a fireplace hearth and vented through a fireplace with the installation of a liner in the fireplace chimney. Don’t have a chimney but need one for a through the roof venting application? Gas Stoves can be vented with their own special vent pipe through a roof thus saving the cost of an expensive Class A or masonary chimney. There are many flexible combinations to vent these stoves.
Modern gas stoves are most commonly vented as a direct vent. This means that the exhaust pipe (flue) has a smaller pipe (coaxial) inside the larger one. The gases vent through the small pipe and the fresh air for combustion moves through the space between the smaller inside pipe and the larger outside pipe. This completely seals the stove to the outside and it does not use any conditioned air in the home to operate.
Stanley C Bierlys sells and installs natural gas and propane stoves throughout Centre County including , State College, Millheim, Bellefonte, Port Matilda including other nearby towns that are not in Centre County such as Lewistown, Lewisburg, Loch Haven and elsewhere.