Photo of the Original Store, 1945
History of Stanley C. Bierly
a division of the Bierly Group Incorporated

Stanley C Bierly Sr.
The business was started in 1925 by Stanley C. Bierly, Sr. He was a Penn State Graduate in Electrical Engineering (EE) and when he graduated the only jobs available for EE’s were in Europe; so, wanting to remain in Centre County, he started Stanley C. Bierly. He was married to the former Phyllis Wagner of Spring Mills and they had two sons, Curt and Herb. Stan Sr. sold the first Radios in our area, Wired Houses for Electricity, sold Televisions and Major Appliances (clothes washer, clothes dryer, dishwasher, etc) as they were developed and available. He also installed heating equipment which was primarily fueled with coal until heating oil was readily available and then Electric Heat was introduced. It is interesting to note that the first Bendix Clothes Washers that he sold had to be bolted to a slab of concrete to hold it steady during the spin cycle.

Stanley C Bierly Jr.
In 1975 the business was purchased by Stanley C. Bierly, Jr. (goes by Curtis which is his middle name). Curt graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Penn State in 1963, worked three years as a process engineer for General Motors in Warren, Ohio and seven years as a plant manager for Gettig Engineering in Angola, Indiana before returning to Centre County. He is married to the former Gretta Leach of Warren Ohio who is the bookkeeper and administrative assistant for the company. They have two sons Stan III and Alex. In 1997 Curt formed the bierly group incorporated and Stanley C. Bierly became a division. Since 1975 the focus has been on Engineered High Efficiency Heating/Cooling Systems (Geothermal Heat Pumps, Air to Air Heat Pumps, Condensing Gas Boilers/Furnaces, Mini Split Heat Pumps, etc) and Alternative Heating Equipment (Wood Stoves, Coal Stoves, Gas Stoves, Pellet Stoves, Solar Thermo, SS Chimney Systems, etc).

Stanley C Bierly III
Unit Manager
In 2005 Stanley C. Bierly III joined the Company as Operations Manager for Stanley C. Bierly. Stan graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Penn State in 1992 and worked for Tampella Power in Williamsport then Alfa Laval Thermal, Inc in Richmond, Virginia before returning to Centre County. He is married to the former Robin Bennett of Williamsport and they have two children Parker and Ava. Stan’s corporate and engineering background has allowed the business to stay progressive with adoption of today’s newer system technologies.